Case Study in email format

Read the Case in Chapter 12: GMFC Impasse.

• As the Industrial Relations Director, prepare an email for the CEO and COO of GMFC outlining the strategy you recommend to get through this impasse. Be sure to address the final paragraph of the case study in your answer, including process and timeline, and what to do if this action triggers a strike or other union activity. Remember to do your reading (Chapters 11 & 12) to help support your answer.

• Expect to take ~2 pages (12 pt., double space) to complete your email.

The book used is Labor Relations, Development, Structure, Process 12th E.D by John Fossum 2015

I have uploaded the case study.

Answer preview

The collective bargaining between the company and the Local 384 Union has not been successful for the last ten days.  The impasse has been contributed by the union, which has been asking a higher amount of the payment which the organization cannot afford to pay.  The workers demand the organization to pay them 10…

(600 words)

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