Government essay

Government essay

– essay of about 1200 words;

– include all the answers of the questions in paragraph;

  1. How much does it cost to run for office in Texas?
    2. How will you raise money? (read this handy info from the Texas Democratic Party before you violate any campaign finance laws: )
    3. Name interest groups that will support/oppose you? Go to… and identify two (2) interest groups that you think will support your campaign, and two (2) who will oppose your campaign. Explain why? (referring to your platform).
  2. What’s your SLOGAN?
  3. Design a campaign sign.
  4. Which state or local newspaper, official, celebrity endorsements will you seek? Why?
  5. How do you get out the vote? Given your issue stands, what voter groups do you need to target? (refer back to the district analyses documents on your current legislator’s homepage.


Please write about district 10 and write about the issue of health, education and environment an put the slogan and campaign after the work cited page. Thank you!

Answer preview

To run for any government estate in Texas several considerations are critical for winning. The cost incurred per individual vote garnered is a critical consideration of the campaign plan. Several factors influence the efficiency of the campaign and the outcome of the election. In the individual district, the candidate’s party is of significance in determining the outcome of the election. Several interest groups also support or oppose the campaign and they have to influence the outcome of any election for all districts including district 10. The individual interests groups also work to fund the campaigns for the individual party or individuals of interests to them. In Texas, no any amount of financial investment can result in winning any positions and the cost is very high.(1380words)

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