Governor Brown’s Statement on Trump’s Proposal on Clean Car Standard

Governor Brown’s Statement on Trump’s Proposal on Clean Car Standard


Minimum requirements: Each Current Government Affairs paper must be double-spaced and at least two (2) pages in length (one inch margins on all sides). A paper with fewer than two (2) full pages (1 inch margins on all sides) is not acceptable and will receive half-credit (50). A full page consists of text only; headers/footers, titles, name/date, and the like are NOT calculated in the full page requirement. You must provide the citation for the article that you selected. All in text citations and a separate reference page at the end of the paper must use APA style.

Current State of California Government Affairs: The second paper must be based on State of Californiagovernment affairsArticles written about state government outside of California will not be accepted for the purposes of this paperFind an article that is current to this semester (August 2018December 2018) and summarize the topic addressed in the article and then discuss how the topic relates to what you are learning in this course. Make sure to discuss the role of government, policy, law, interest groups, politics, and budgets as relevant to the selected article. Discuss the role of government at the state level and how this differs from local level government. Provide your opinion about the topic that you have selected.

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Jerry Brown, the governor of the state of California, recently opposed the proposal to rewrite the Obama-era greenhouse gas rule presented by the Trump administration. The Trump administration made the recommendation to enhance coal-fired industries in the country. The new proposed law, the Affordable Clean Energy Rule, proposed that all states would receive more control over the emission levels they felt comfortable with from plants in their respective locations. The argument made by the Trump administration was that the Clean Power Plan prepared by the Obama administration was burdensome and very precise. However, Brown declined the proposal by stating that Trump was proposing a war on the entire nation and that the president’s insanity would not prevail…

(1000 words)

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