Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology

Write a paper on Hera, Athena or Aphrodite.  Explain her place in the pathos, what are her areas of concern, and any other important information about her. Either briefly describe how she interacts with humans or share an important story about her interaction with humans. Then, find three other versions of that goddess. These versions can be from other pathos, analyses, people appropriating the goddess for corporate or other modern/post-modern means, etc. With each of these three versions of the original: (1) Give a summary of each of these presentations; and, (2) give a short explanation that compares each of the three versions to the original.

The paper should be 4-5 pages or about 1,000-1,400 words in length, in size 12 Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and follow MLA format.

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Athena was categorized among the Olympian gods. She was the virgin goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration and literature.  She was a calm god who was not short-tempered and she was an advocate for justice.  Her parents were Metis and Zeus and her siblings…

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