Handling Workplace Disputes

Handling Workplace Disputes

HSA 320 week 9 discussion 2

Week 9 Discussion 2

“Handling Workplace Disputes” Please respond to the following:

  • Assess two different dispute resolution methods, in terms of their suitability for use within health care organizations.
  • Evaluate two factors that contribute to the importance of the employee handbook in terms their relevance in handling workplace disputes in the health care field. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.

Answer preview

A dispute in healthcare organization may take many forms. It might be between physicians and a patient, between physicians or healthcare staff and the management. According to Fravel (2008), there are dispute resolutions that can be used in healthcare organizations, and one is arbitration. This is taking the dispute to a neutral person who listens to both sides and makes a decision. The arbitrator determines the outcome of the case.  Negotiation is another way where people in dispute talk directly either in speaking or writing trying to reach an agreement…

(300 words)

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