Select any five out of 10 potential health and safety hazards in warehouse operations listed in the O.S.H.A Guide and present a comprehensive risk assessment relevant to warehouse management. In addition, for each selected risk, provide at least one recommendation on how to mitigate that risk by describing specific methods, policies, procedures, or changes to be made within the warehouse.
Your paper must be two to three pages (600 to 900 words) in length, not including the title and reference pages. The paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide, and should cite at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.
It is advisable when using the forklift that the driver operates it in reverse. It requires a lot of training for perfection. This will help to reduce the risks involved by the creation of the blind spots. Also, due to the instability of the forklift, while lifting the loads, all those working near the forklift are advised to stand at a distance during the action in order to avoid these accidents (Degaev, Orlov, Haddad, & Pleshivtsev, 2018). During the recharging and fueling of the forklift, people should avoid smoking or any heat-generating activities that may catalyze the creation of a fire.