Health Education in Community/Public Nursing

Health Education in Community/Public Nursing

If you were assigned the task of determining the health needs in community, where would you begin? What nursing theorist models would you use to complete the assessment? Discussion Question : Answer Discussion question minimal three paragraphs APA format Three References supporting your answer.Reply to two different peers, one paragraph minimal and one reference APA format; supporting your argument.

Answer preview

Health is one of the most crucial human needs. Without good health, other things can’t proceed well. This includes studies, businesses, and even recreational activities. Sadly, not everyone has access to medical facilities. Some marginalized communities have been deprived of this basic human need to an extent where the residents have to travel for tens, if not hundreds, of kilometers to get to a hospital or a pharmacy where they can purchase critical medical supplies (Janes, 2010). In this paper, I will discuss the first step that I will undertake as I seek to determine the health needs of my community…

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