HSA 405 week 1 discussion 1

Week 1 Discussion 1

my state is Pennsylvania

“Health Care Law and Policy” Please respond to the following:

  • From the first e-Activity, analyze the Affordable Health Care Act, and determine the fundamental influence that such reform has exerted on the social, political, and economic environment of the country. Provide at least two (2) examples to support your rationale.
  • Differentiate between two to three (2-3) key components of a free market healthcare system and single payer government system. Of the two systems, suggest the one that you believe would be better for the United States. Specify two (2) examples that support your rationale.

Week 1 eActivity

  • Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research and review the Affordable Health Care Act. Be prepared to discuss.
  • Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research and review the branches of government within your state to evaluate each branches level of influence in healthcare decisions for the state. Be prepared to discuss.
  • The Veteran’s Health Administration (VA) has been instrumental in many new healthcare innovations over the last twenty-five years. Use the Internet to research the VA’s Website, located at, as well as other related Websites to determine the VA’s influence on your local hospitals. Be prepared to discuss.

Just the link to help you answer the discussion 1 and2

Answer preview

The health care system in the United States has experienced numerous adjustments with the primary aim of making health care more affordable to the citizens. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one of the laws that have significantly impacted the healthcare system. Socially, the Act has resulted in more participation and inclusivity. Citizens who previously did not have health insurance coverage can now enjoy the benefits of health insurance, including some immigrant groups who are legally in the country. for example, the number of people uninsured in Pennsylvania was 1.2 million in 2013, while in 2016 that number had reduced to 708,000. Politically, the Act supported the views of the government which is to make health care more…

(350 words)

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