please ensure the post consist of at least 200 words and include a reference in APA format .

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.

What is your idea of a healthy community? Provide specific examples. What do healthy communities have in common? How would you provide care for a community if your idea of a healthy community does not match your community’s definition of a healthy community?



Answer preview

The health of a community is a diverse issue that incorporates all aspects in the community ranging from access to quality health care, availability of job opportunities, affordable and quality education programs, efficient transport means, and proper nutrition regarding feeding. For example, according to Wong (2017), a community with quality healthcare is concerned on the needs of the patients rather than the cost of the treatment. In the scenario of jobs, a healthy community accommodates 95% of the qualified people in their respective fields…


(300 words)

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