History School Lesson

History School Lesson

Answer the attached questions after reviewing these:




  1. Why does the Civil Rights Act depend upon “the Commerce” clause to justify Federal intervention and laws to supersede state laws?
  2. Which of the Amendments to the Constitution do the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 pertain to?
  3. What is a particular threat to the Civil Rights Act at this time?
  4. What is a particular threat to the Voting Rights Act at this time?
  5. Why should we care what John Lewis thinks?
  6. What are African American organizations doing about the threats to these two acts?

Answer Preview

The commerce clause gives the congress exclusive powers to determine trade and trade related activities between people of different states. This clause also authorizes the congress to regulate the commerce activities and it places some limits on state powers as well as the federal government. It is for this reason therefore that the Civil Rights Act…

(813 Words)

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