watch Two History Videos, Write 25 events from Each video.

Requirement: 2Pges for each video

Watch Two Videos, and write 25 Facts from each video.

Please number your facts in the pages.

First Video, Hannibal


Barbarians Rising: Rome Clashes with Hannibal and Carthage | Full Episode | History

Note: (Ignore the definition of “barbarian” at the beginning and throughout this episode. )

Second Video: Seven Year War


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Please number each fact

Answer preview

Video 1: Barbarians Rising: Rome Clashes with Hannibal and Carthage

  1. Even though ancient Rome was invincible, its rise was characterized by bloodsheds, tyranny, and pillaging of resources of the lands they conquered and enslaved its people.
  2. At 300 BC, Carthage was a powerful civilization that acquired its wealth from trade and also used its strong naval strength to suppress its neighbors and its rivaled Rome in the western world…

(1400 words)

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