Human Resource Managment using Annotated Bibliography

Human Resource Managment using Annotated Bibliography

Research paper for Human Resource Managment using Annotated Bibliography that I have already prepared.


  1. Throughout this course you have been required to conduct a comprehensive literature search on a human resource process that occurred in your workplace or that needs to occur. By the end of this workshop you are to submit that work for grading.
  2. From your literature search, you have developed an annotated bibliography in APA format. Your annotated bibliography should include the reference for the article, and a brief summative paragraph following each reference regarding the article contents. A minimum of 10 articles is required.
  3. Develop articles that describe and discuss the topics you have covered in this course which prepared you for your interview with the VP (or the highest officer) of Human Resources at your facility for your practicum experience.
  4. Be sure to use appropriate grammar and APA format in the narrative of each annotation.
  5. When you’ve completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the Dropbox by the end of the workshop.

    Assessment Criteria

    Criteria50–40 Points39-29 Points28-18 Points17-0 Points
    ContentCovers all aspects of the specific HR literature search process with an annotated bibliography that is a summative paragraph for all to required references.Addresses most of the objectives of the assignment and stays focused on the topic. Provides supporting details and insights for Human Resources. Displays some critical thinking and analytical skills. Only 6-8 are properly annotated bibliography.Addresses some of the objectives of the assignment. Provides some supporting details and insights that prove thesis. Does not utilize critical thinking and analytical skills. Only 5 annotated bibliographies are submitted.Doesn’t address the objectives of the assignment. Provides no evidence of critical analysis. Does not effectively organize content.
    Less than 5 annotated bibliographies are submitted.
    Criteria35-29 Points28-22 Points21-15 Points14-0 Points
    ResearchStrong, relevant, scholarly and evidenced based research applied to HR. Strategies and recommendations from Fried & Fottler applied. Facts are either in the writer’s words or else are correctly cited.Sources well selected to support Human Resource process. Only some research sources included. Facts are either in the writer’s words or else are correctly cited. Only one or more strategies applied from Fried & Fottler.Few sources supporting human resource process. Sources insignificant or unsubstantiated or not required amount of articles.
    Fried & Fottler’s strategies not applied.
    No relevant, scholarly and evidenced based resources.
    Criteria30-25 Points24-19 Points18-13 Points12-0 Points
    AnnotatedAnnotated bibliography is succinct and summative; combines research and analysis to form new insights.Annotated bibliography conclusions and recommendations are logical and reasonable; combines research and analysis to form some new insights.
    Annotated bibliography conclusions and recommendations are questionable and not reasonable; does not combine research and analysis to form new insights. Minimal analysis.Conclusions and recommendations are not logical and not reasonable; does not combine research and analysis to form new insights.
    Criteria20-17 Points16-13 Points12-9 Points8-0 Point
    Grammar and MechanicsThere are no errors in mechanics, usage, grammar or spelling. All required elements of the assignment are met.There are minor errors in mechanics, usage, grammar or spelling. Most required elements of the assignment are met.Relatively few errors in mechanics, usage, grammar or spelling. Some required elements of the assignment are met.Significant errors in mechanics, usage, grammar or spelling. Diction weak or inappropriate. Few required elements of the assignment are met.
    Criteria15-12 Points11-8 Points7-4 Points3-0 Points
    FormatAppearance is readable and neat. Correct use of APA formatting.Appearance is readable and neat. Most of annotated bibliography r uses correct APA formatting. In-text citations and references used correctly.Readability and neatness of work are compromised by errors. APA format is inconsistent and inadequate. Reference page is inconsistent with APA format, in-text citations are missing.Disorderliness of work makes it difficult to read. APA formatting is not used. References and in-text citations are missing or incomplete.
    Total Points150
Human resource management is explained as the procedure of controlling the human resource of a company. This is usually done in the human resource department whereby all the information on the workforce is kept. The purpose of this process is to utilize the services of the workforce so as to accomplish the goals of the employer. Hence, it focuses on controlling or directing individuals in a company through…
(2504 Words)
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