Human resources management

Human resources management

500 words discussion about Human resources management class

This discussion focused on the 2 methods most MNEs currently use to develop compensation plans for overseas employees.

Teacher’s detail requirements:

Chapter 8 of the Dowling text discusses several factors involved in international compensation. What do you think should be the main objectives of a compensation policy for a multinational firm? Which international compensation approaches do you feel has the most problems? Why? Which has the most advantages? Why? Which way would you personally prefer if it was your salary under consideration? Why? (basis on these questions to answer and structure your paper)

This discussing is about Human resource management class.

The best for writing connect with the concepts in the book, or using the resources within the book.

The book information is :

Dowling, P. J., Festing, M., & Engle, Sr., A.D. (2013). International human resource management: Managing people in a multinational context (6th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western. ISBN-: 978-1-480-3209-1

The related PPTs and textbook chapter are attached below




Answer Preview

Another objective of the compensation policy is that it should attract people to accept to work in the overseas and also give the ones already working there a reason to stay there. Working overseas comes with a lot of tension and also a lot of uncertainty. For this reason, the multinational companies ensure that they put in place an attractive compensation policy in order to attract people who will be working in overseas….

(580 Words)

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