If you have not already done so, read the course project overview and all of the project assignments and their scoring guides.
For this discussion, choose and share a potential topic of interest for your course project, based on the following prompt: Describe a problem that requires human services intervention, in which organizations representing the for-profit, nonprofit, and government sectors participate in a collaborative effort to benefit a selected community or population. This can be a real past event, current situation, or a hypothetical case (such as a natural disaster, a community crisis situation, or a significant need identified for a community). Explain the rationale behind your selection of this particular problem.
A Collaborative Case Study Presentation
The culminating course project is a full case study presentation, as it would be presented to a donor organization or another entity, to secure funding, partnership, or support for a project to resolve a human services problem. You will apply theories and principles of collaborative governance, negotiation, mediation, and communication to the process of intersector collaboration based on the example of a specific human services intervention. You will discuss how the integration of theories supports successful outcomes for collaboration among organizations. The final presentation should be a synthesis of the three previous assignments and result in a scholarly, professional presentation with audio.
Read each of the course project assignments as well as their scoring guides to develop a full understanding of what this project entails.
Understanding Community and Organizational Problems
Assignment Overview
In your work as a human services leader for an organization, you will often be called upon to make presentations to stakeholders, such as a board of directors, to secure funding or support, or propose partnerships. In any of those situations, you will want to be fully prepared with a well-researched statement of the problem, an analysis of the community affected, and identification of the key partners that can be engaged in finding a solution. Think about what you would be looking for as an audience member for this kind of presentation and what would make the message engaging and sticky.
In the u01d1 discussion, you selected your topic for your course project: an event or situation requiring social justice intervention that demands collaborative relationships among business, government, religious, and nonprofit organizations in a community. This can be a real past event, current situation, or a hypothetical case (such as a natural disaster, a community crisis situation, or a significant need identified for a community).
Requirements: minimum 250 words | .doc file
Note: so with this discussion you only have to write on the first portion which under the heading choosing a problem. The other two bold headings are just a guide so you will know what topic to choose for upcoming assignments
Answer preview
Addressing teenage pregnancies is crucial considering that the cost of early childbearing is a significant burden on this target group, families, community, and the health care system. A considerable number of these pregnancies are unplanned, and most happen outside marriage (As-Sanie et al., 2004). Worryingly, these teenage girls cannot support themselves since they are school-going children without income. This means that the primary caregivers to teenage pregnant girls must cater to prenatal care, birthing, and postnatal care. Still, there is a health concern regarding the risks of HIV infections and sexually transmitted diseases that this target group is likely to get due to their sexual engagements (CDC, 2021). The lack of sexual education and the health risks of early pregnancies and early sex are issues requiring human service intervention. Notably, collaborative efforts with the government, for-profit, and non-profit organizations, the designed interventions will help address the teenage pregnancy issue to reduce the health risks and burden of care among parents and communities.