Illnesses and medications hypothesis.

DQ1—How can graphics and/or statistics be used to misrepresent data? Where have you seen this done?

What do you feel is the muddiest point of DQ1?

DQ2–What are the characteristics of a population for which it would be appropriate to use mean/median/mode? When would the characteristics of a population make them inappropriate to use?

What do you feel is the muddiest point of DQ2?


All responses to DQs will need to be in your own words. Do not copy-paste from your sources. Where applicable, please provide citations. Remember that Wikipedia is not considered valid for this class.

Answer preview

Misinterpretation of the data can be voluntary or involuntary. The deliberate misinterpretation occurs because of biases. Secondly, misinterpretation can be caused by various errors data during data collection and reporting. Such errors include sampling errors where research chooses a wrong sample to predict the entire population. Clerical errors commonly occur when the researcher omit or commit numerical value which can result in misinterpretation. Lastly, inadequate knowledge about the research can result in a researcher to collect and interpret the data wrongly. During the interviews or questionnaires, a researcher can manipulate the test subjects so that the data can yield a conclusion o result. Graphics and statics misinterpretation quite often in the field of the healthcare and politics. I have seen it happening in during collection of the data regarding ‘never events’ in the healthcare. The graphics and tailored to read minimal cases of the ‘never events.’

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