Immigration and Nationality Act.

Provide a current policy example, use the theories of politics (such as elite, group, or rational choice) to help explain the policy. Explain how the assumptions associated with these theories help explain the outcome.

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theory revolves around the notion that politics is a game of interests (Wittek, 2013). Most politicians undertake a particular course of action only when doing so caters to their self-interests. Every human being is opportunistic, and will rarely let an opportunity to fulfill their personal needs pass by without taking advantage. Such a tendency explains away the behavior exhibited by numerous politicians (Wittek, 2013). The theory might help bring certain aspects of the United States immigration policy into context. The policy seeks to protect the interests of United States citizens by limiting access to the country. The architects of the policy believe that immigrants take away the jobs that would belong to citizens. INA helps rectify such a phenomenon by making it harder for immigrants to move into the United States and begin to freely work at the expense of their citizens. Rational theory helps justify the exclusionary nature of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The elite theory posits that most of the power in society rests within the hands of a few people (Peffley & Rohrschneider, 2009). It might explain the motivations behind enacting the INA. Since the elites control immigration matters in the United States, immigrants can do little to overturn anything the elites propound.

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