impacting your organization (

Organizations examine their external environment (consisting of social/cultural, technological, economic, environmental, and political/legal/regulatory areas) for opportunities and/or threats to their operation.

Identify one issue, trend, etc. that is impacting your organization (or this university) either in a positive or negative manner. What is the significance of the issue in terms of the opportunities that it brings or the threats that it carries for your organization?

Answer preview

Data is one the most important resources in a healthcare facility. Data collection in hospitals does not flow in an integrated manner. For instance, the collection of data relating race, ethnicity, language and other personal perceived information is a challenge. Establishment of a data department and training of the department’s staff who would deal with data collection is vital. This training would entail, teaching staff on how to ask questions in a respectful manner, how to encourage patient by providing information to them, and correctly using data collection systems (Raghupathi & Raghupathi, 2014).


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