In July 1970 President Nixon

In July 1970 President Nixon

In July 1970 President Nixon submitted Executive Order Reorganization Plan 3 to Congress. In December 1970, Congress approved the Plan creating the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In the first 10 years, the EPA passed three (3) major regulations – the Clean Air Act of 1970, the Clean Water Act of 1972 and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976. The next step for the EPA is to address global climate change and the agency is working collaboratively with politicians, businesses and special interest groups.Each of these stakeholder groups presents a different perspective on global climate change. How would each of these groups influence the EPAs development of regulations on this topic? Please create a visual diagram which shows various perspectives and the connections of the groups’ influence. Then provide a rationale (of 3-4 pages in length) which explains why you organized your diagram in the way that you did.

There are a variety of tools you can use to create your visual diagram. We recommend the following:

Absolutely no plagiarism, must be original and very thorough. Please make sure everything is followed in the question and the grading rubric. Assigned reading articles are attached. Must include a cover page and reference page. Must include multiple outside academic resources with free links. Sentences should be short but thorough.

Week 1 Assignment Rubric for MBE501
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Critical Thinking
30.0 pts

Assignment/visual diagram demonstrates excellent use of various critical thinking standards and concepts. These may include proper use of logic, reasoning and the posing of well-considered questions.

30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content and Development
30.0 pts

Content is very comprehensive and supported by detailed references to lectures and readings. Thoroughly evaluates the impact, creativity, and value of the subject.

30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization and Length
15.0 pts

Appropriate tool is used (submitted as a Word document). The organization is clear and easy to follow. The assignment follows the suggested word count.

15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Sentence Structure, Grammar, Spelling and APA Form and Style
15.0 pts

Sentences are structured correctly. There are no grammatical or spelling errors. There is use of proper APA form and style, where appropriate. No abstract please.

Answer preview
Business is at the center of control of EPA decision making process on the climate change. Although politicians’ have the final mandate by the constitution to form laws and regulations directly to influence the agency operations the impact of the special groups and the business remains practically high. Special interests’ groups affect business operations as well as ignite the politicians to make specific policies (Weil, 2002). Business enterprise funds agencies in activities and the politicians will determine how much funds are released to the agencies from the federal and state government and how that funds will be used in the implementation of the…
(900 words)
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