Conduct a competitive analysis on both the industry and market of your product (Atleishoes).
Discuss porter five forces and competitive profile matrix as it relates to your product
Prepare marketing strategy based on the elements of the 7 P’s used in your chosen product. The marketing mix is the 7 Ps (product, place, price, promotion, people, process and physical evidence) and each element should be addressed in the report.
-Essay format (APA)
-7-8 pages, double spacing
-Font: Times New Roman
-Include Index
-At least 6 peer reviewed sources (include DOI in reference page). Additionally, should be used as resource demographic information.
-In text citations for each peer-reviewed source and for the census website.
-No plagiarism
This is based on an imaginary product called Athleishoes that I describe on the paper attached. Let me know if you have questions about it.
Answer preview
Another strength enjoyed by Under Armour stems from its brand name (Singh, 2013). The company has a huge brand name, which they can use to borrow against. Under Armour has the ability to finance its growth and expansion strategies by not only spending against its assets but also against its brand. Even though Under Armour is a relatively famous brand, much of its fame is confined within the North American Market. According to a study conducted in the UK by YouGov BrandIndex, Under Armour’s brand awareness stood at 53.4%, way behind its major competitors such as Nike, whose numbers stood at 96%, and Adidas at 95% (Mahdi et al., 2015). This is one of the company’s weaknesses. The company’s CEO recently alluded to such a fact when he stated that Under Armour is struggling to explain to consumers outside North America why they should purchase their products.