Informative speech

Informative speech

By this week’s deadline, you must watch and evaluate three informative student presentations. Go to and enter the search term “student informative speech.” Find three speeches that you’d like to watch from the thousands that are available.

Please realize that while the students that you choose for these questions will NOT see these answers, your comments should still be as constructive as possible. For each critique, be sure to provide a complete link of the video you watched along with numbered answered to the questions below.

Answer the following questions about EACH speech (please number each answer!):

1. What is the attention getter of the speech? Was it effective? Why or why not?

2. What was the full thesis statement of the speech? Did the speaker do a good job making this clear within the first minute of the speech?

3. What were the main points of the speech in order? Were these easy to pick out? Why or why not?

4. What kind of transitions did the speaker use? Were they effective?

5. Describe some information that your speaker introduced from an outside source. Did the speaker provide enough details so you knew you could trust their source materials?

6. How did the speaker provide closure in his/her speech? Was the ending effective? Why or why not?

7. What did this student do to make this speech relevant to an average community college student? What could s/he have done better?

8. What, if any, new information did you discover by listening to this speech? List at least three things that were mentioned that you found memorable.

9. Describe your interpretation of the overall delivery of the speech. What were the speaker’s strong and weak points and why? (Don’t focus on the technical aspects of this video such as video-audio being out of sync.)

10. What do you believe should be the overall grade for that speech (number/letter grade)? Please explain your answer. If you deducted points, explain why you deducted those points.

Answer preview

  1. Audience reflection of being late to work as experience with stress. Its useful as the speaker managed to build on the topic.
  2. The speech thesis is stress, causes, and management of stress by a college student. There is a clear outline from the beginning.
  3. Stress is a mental or emotional strain. Causes of stress to college students include academic and financials. To manage stress student need to be organized and healthy.
  4. Through reflective questions for new concepts .e.g. how do you know if you are experiencing stress?
  5. The speaker introduced symptoms of stress according to a 2003 publication for stress education for a college student. There is no clear, detailed information on the source.

Speaker concludes through a review of major points on their application to the audience to manage own stress and relax…

(750 words)

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