Informed Consent Protocol

  Informed Consent Protocol

nformed consent is a standard part of research studies. As part of the IRB application process, researchers create a sample consent form that is submitted with their study protocol. This consent form will be used with participants to inform them of the study and, once the study has been explained, the participants will sign the informed consent form. As part of the process, the informed consent form needs to include a description of what the study involves, including risks and benefits, if the study is confidential, and how the study data is used.

The Unit 3 Assignment will include two parts; the consent form and the paper. Both parts should be presented in the following manner with a title, introduction, conclusion, and reference page. Submit the assignment as multiple attachments including the following:

  • 1-2 page paper in a Word document
  • Completed Informed Consent Form

Using the template provided, create a sample informed consent form to conduct a study of interest to you (you can create a study from a topic you have discussed in prior weeks, but this is not required). The goal is to create a draft of an informed consent form similar to that which a researcher would submit to an IRB board for review. Discuss in 1–2 pages how you would design this study to adhere to ethical guidelines. Be sure to include the five ethical principles and how your study will conform to them. Discuss one or two ethical issues that could arise during your study and how you would respond to these issues, as a researcher. Be sure to operationally define your variables and state what scales of measurement would be used, including description of why that scale was chosen.

Writing Requirements and Guidelines

Your Assignment should include:

  • Cover page
  • Provide your name, title of Assignment, course and unit number, and date
  • Body
  • Complete the Unit 3 Informed Consent Template including 1–2 pages on how you would design this study to adhere to ethical guidelines.
  • Reference list
  • Sources in APA format
  • You must use your text and 2 additional sources Assignment Guidelines
  • Complete Unit 3 Template
  • Times New Roman 12 point font, Double-spaced
  • Written adhering to the guidelines of Standard American English. This means that your thoughts should be well-organized, logical, and unified as well as original with the viewpoint and purpose clearly established and sustained. Standard American English guidelines also include the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
  • Written in APA Formatting and Citation style

My name is: Mareatha Price

Course is: PS 300 Research Methods

Unit 3


Answer Preview

There are principles to be followed in informed consent, for instance in medical research the policy says that patients are independent and have the right to make a decision. Some basic principles are: Autonomy where a person time, respect and an opportunity to make decision, pressure to participate in a study should not be there, beneficence is another principle that requires a researcher to secure the participants…

(764 Words)

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