Innovation/Entrepreneurial Mishaps

Innovation/Entrepreneurial Mishaps

Note: AOL and Sears are the organization you need to use for this assignment. Also use the attached template.

Write a 525- to 700-word paper in which your team identifies 2-3 organizations that have missed opportunities for innovation and/ are on the verge of closing down because a more innovative competitor has overtaken the market.

Analyze innovative strategies that were missed by the organization, and explain how the organization either ignored or missed opportunities for innovation.

List and discuss 2-3 innovative strategies that the organization could use today to potentially rebuild its entrepreneurial culture.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

2 Attachments

Innovation_and_entrepreneiural_mishaps_paper_template mgt411_week_team_assignment_grading_guide

Answer Preview

The two organizations that I identified for this discussion are AOL and Sears. AOL is a company based in New York, a mass media multinational corporation. The company normally operates other websites, such as The Huffington Post, and TechCrunch.  In the mid-1990s, it was one of the pioneers of the internet.  On the other hand, Sears is a chain of department stores…

(794 Words)

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