“inside the superhuman world of the iceman” persuasive research essay

“inside the superhuman world of the iceman” persuasive research essay

This is the final essay for the course! It is a persuasive research paper that will provide you the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of both essay structure and library research skills. please note that this final essay is not due until December 15th.

Essay Prompt:

Evaluate to what extent Wim Hoff creates a compelling argument for the effectiveness of his system of mind over body.


To support your argument use the following sources:


  • In your essay, include an analysis of how effectively Hoff uses logos, ethos, and pathos to support his argument
  • Use rhetorical strategies to engage the reader in the introduction
  • Use an “although clause” thesis statement as the last sentence of the introduction
  • Include a counterargument with a concession and rebuttal. This should be the first paragraph after your introduction.
  • Ensure that each paragraph has a clear topic sentence that supports the thesis sentence
  • Be sure to use paragraph to paragraph transitions to create unity and cohesion.
  • Include at least three direct quotes to support your argument
  • Include at least three paraphrases to support your argument
  • Proper MLA format is required for the entire essay including the basics (margins, fonts, header of the paper), the parenthetical citations and paraphrasing, and the Work Cited Page
  • This essay must be 4-6 pages in length. This means that your writing should come to the very bottom of page four to meet the minimum page length requirement
  • Be sure to review the rubric, so you know how you’ll be graded on this essay

Sample Answer

Mind-Body System

Over several decades, different theories have attempted to analyze the issue of the mind-body system. In this case, they attempt to find the extent to which the mind controls the body as well as how the body can control the mind. Most Buddhists believe that the mind can be controlled to reduce suffering.  According to Ellinghausen, suffering reduces when people attain enlightenment (64). A person attains enlightenment when he or she meditates about his or her thoughts. One of the renowned proponent of the mind over body system is the Wim Hof, who believes that a person can endure mind and overcome illnesses through learning a combination of the Wim Hof method, which includes a combination of the meditation, cold emersion, and breathing techniques (Shea ,00.00.44).  Indeed, the Hof method is an effective approach to controlling a person’s inner body system.


Some proponents of the Wim Hof method system of mind over body argues that it is an effective method of curing and developing resistance over certain diseases like cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer (Shea ,00.22.16).  Also, they propose that the technique helps a person to “gain control over his or her immune system, muscular system, nervous system, respiratory system, and endocrine system” (Shea ,00.14.08,).  In general, they propose that Hof Method allows people to control their autonomous systems in their bodies.  On the other hand, opponents of the Wim Hof system of mind over body contends that Hof Method by saying that it is not practical for every person.  They argue that Hoff genes make him overcome extreme temperatures and illnesses.


To prove the effective technique of his technique of the mind over the body, Hoff uses logos, ethos, and pathos to compel his argument. The first strategy that Hof uses is logos.  Logos refers to the ability of the author, producer, or speaker to appeal the logic.  To appeal to the logic of the people, Hoff uses the scientific facts to prove the relevance of the technique.  Initially, Hof’s method received huge high contention, especially from the scientific family. Scientists disagreed with the presumption that the person can voluntarily use his or her mind to control the autonomic nervous system.  After being injected with the bacteria in his body during scientific research in 2011, the University Medical Center in Nijmegen discovered that his adrenaline level increases (Shea ,00.09.11). Also, the researchers discovered that Hof was able to suppress the bacteria to remain healthy. After running several tests, including toxic tests, the researchers discovered that Hof and his group “were able to control their nervous system voluntarily” (Shea ,00.10.09).

Secondly, Wim Hof practically shows how his method works.  He does not only focus on the theoretical aspect of his system of mind over the body but also shows how it can be done.  Hof is known for enduring extreme temperatures for a prolonged period.  He argues that “I found out we can do a lot more than we think” by combining meditation, cold therapy and breathing, and physical techniques (Shea ,00.08.13). Through his system of mind over the body, Hof was able to overcome the challenges that he encountered in his life.  For instance, he overcame stress, anger, depression after his wife, who was psychotic committed suicide.  Furthermore, he has managed to train other people on his method has improved effective, especially to overcome post-traumatic stress, anxiety, and other challenges.

Lastly, the Wim Hof method incorporates the combination of breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, and cold therapy.  Different researches have shown that breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, and cold emersion to be effective methods for controlling one’s emotions and feelings.  For instance, Yogi Swami Rama managed to prove that he can control his blood flow in his hands for 17 seconds.  Meditation allows people to influence the function of their ANS (Ellinghausen,66). The water emersion tactic presents both psychological and physical benefits.  The cold enhances the body hardening, which allows a person to be more tolerant of the external stimuli. As Allen highlights, cold therapy improves a person’s tolerance towards the stress and immune system, which allows a person to suppress some illnesses (4). The cold-water emersion strategy increases the level of the brown adipose tissues (BAT), which burns for thermogenesis. Therefore, the burring of energy reduces the risk of some illnesses, such as cardiovascular diseases or obesity. Also, it accelerates the production of the beta-endorphins, which is beneficial during pain suffering.


Ethos involves satisfying ethics. In the film, Hof’s system satisfies the ethical appeal of the people. His WHM method is fit for every person, including men and women. He argues that his method can be applied to overcome the emotional or mental illness like stress, depression, among others. It only requires a person to stay positive, take breathing techniques, person yoga, meditate, and undertake cold therapy to overcome his or her condition.  Hoff argues that his method helps a person to control his or her chemical activities in the human body.  According to Rapp, Hof’s method system of the mind over the body has shown to be effective in overcoming some illnesses, extreme body temperatures (1).  It can be applied to prevent suffering or overcome some illnesses.  Ellinghausen notes that minds do unexpected, and only people need to understand their minds (68). If utilized well, the mind can control the mind and allow people to live a quality life by overcoming challenges threats come through.  By understanding how the minds work, people get a position to unlock their potential. As Hoff says, understanding of the minds starts with awareness. A person needs to focus on every thought that comes to and from in his or her mind. In other words, a person needs to be aware of how thoughts influence his or her behaviors and decision-making process. Focusing allows a person to gain self-awareness (Ellinghausen,65).


Lastly, Hof’s system of the mind appeals to emotions. The technique focuses on reducing people’s suffering. As highlighted by Ellinghausen, a person can only overcome suffering through enlightenment, and this is gained through meditation.  Mediation allows a person to gain an understanding of oneself (67). In other words, it allows an individual to be aware of his ego and relieves the negative emotions, anger, pain, and stress.  Hof expresses that his system of mind over the body has many benefits that improve which improve people’s quality of life (2). Through physical exercise, the theory allows people to have a quick recovery.  Some of the techniques that Hof proposes that can help people recover include getting more sleep.  During the workout, the tissues get damaged, and a person needs to get more sleep, eat healthily, and stay hydrated.  Secondly, it helps people to overcome negative stress. The stress occurs as the body or mind at most to respond to certain changes in the body.   Also, Hof argues that the mind over body system allows people to boost their energy level.  A person can boost his or her energy through hydration, eating properly, and getting quality sleep. Although some people reject the validity and the relevance of the Hoff approach, it is supported by scientific facts that it has both physiological and physical benefits. The system allows people to control their stress and recover from some illnesses. It can not only be used to control internal temperature but can be used as a therapy to treat mental illnesses like depression.


Hof is known for coming up with the Hoff Method of controlling the inner system of the being, which incorporates a combination of the meditation, cold emersion, and breathing techniques. The system proposes that people should undergo the Hoff technique of controlling the internal temperature. As Rapp highlights, Hoff Method starts by taking some breathing techniques lessons for a few days, which is followed by the meditation (1).  Meditation allows a person to control the inner self.  Lastly, a person takes the cold-water emersion classes.  To endure the cold weather, a person needs to utilize breathing techniques and meditation.

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