Integrated Marketing Communications and Application

Integrated Marketing Communications and Application


Write a 1,050-word paper

Write a 1,050-word paper that describes the various components of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and how these components relate to building a brand image.

Select two companies that have successfully integrated some or most of these components into their IMC Plan: implementation of a digital marketing strategy, a successful advertising campaign, or a viral marketing plan with brand ambassadors.

  • Did the campaign help the company build or reinforce a brand image (i.e. define the message in the campaign, and describe how the message helped to build the brand)?
  • What is the company’s value principle and how does it tie into the branding message?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines, including any citations for materials used from any websites.


Answer preview

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) strategy focuses on combining all promotional tools for effective communication and the spread of messages regarding brands. IMC has several components which can be integrated by companies to enhance their marketing strategies. Among them includes digital marketing, advertising, public relations, and sales promotion. The primary purpose of Integrated Marketing Communication is to give consumers a seamless brand experience through many channels and tools. However, the combination of the different tools must complement each other to form a unified, integrated whole. Some of the companies that have successfully integrated their marketing…


(1150 words)

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