discussion board min 200 words

discussion board for business class. Ill send you two commercials and you have to compare the two.

The Eminem ad for Chrysler that ran during the Super Bowl in February 2011 was rated as one of the best ads for the game. In May 2011, Audi ran an ad at a German auto show that had the “feel” of the Eminem Chrysler “Lose Yourself ” ad.Subsequently, the German auto show ad made its way onto the Internet.

The German ad caught the attention of Eminem and 8 Mile, Eminem’s publishing company. They notified Audi that the ad constituted an unauthorized use of their intellectual property. Explain what rights Eminem and 8 Mile have and how the courts can help.

See the two commercials below to compare:

Chrysler Advertisement: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Advertisement from Germany: Eminem Audi Lawsuit Commercial- Judge for yourself (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

You must post an original comment of 200 words with citation to sources used, such as eText page references and/or credible websites

Answer preview

Every business requires intellectual property (IP) protection including musicians and their works (Bently, & Sherman, 2014, p.56). In the case scenario of the Chrysler commercial campaign advertisement that has Eminem as the starring, it is backed by “Lose Yourself” instrumentals, which is Eminem’s song. With time, Eminem’s publishing company realized that Audi produced a similar advertisement that had soundtracks close to Eminem’s song to market and also sell Audi’s product. The unauthorized use…

(250 words)

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