Interest Bargaining

Interest Bargaining

Please describe a current conflict (at your workplace, in the news, etc.). How could Interest Based Bargaining techniques be used to resolve that particular conflict?

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Interest bargaining, also known as integrative bargaining is a type of a negotiation style that involves both parties coming together to create a solution, which is a win-win situation for both parties. The interests of both disputants are considered, such that they all benefit from the final decision agreed upon (Lundgren et al., 2019). The interests of the parties are usually the reason they got into conflict in the first place. As the name integrative suggests, the benefits are combined to create a standard value, more significant than any of the parties losing.

An example of a conflict that might be common in the workplace is a disagreement between the leaders of a team. In such a case, one leader might have a leadership style, different from another one. For…


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