International Business

International Business

International business refers to a wide range of business activities carried out across national borders. The globalization of markets, which is an ongoing economic integration and interdependence of countries worldwide, coincides with the growth of international business. In this activity, you will have a chance to discuss your views on ethics in international business.

For this discussion activity, respond to the following prompts:

  • Explain why one should be ethical when operating an international business.
  • Although ethics is not the same as self-interest, can one always do well, by doing good? In other words, can one be successful in business (monetarily) solely by doing good (morally)?
  • If a business’s ultimate objective is to make the world better, explain how this could be best achieved ethically.

In response to your colleagues, discuss why it is beneficial to study business ethics.

Things to Remember!

  • Post a 2 to 4 paragraph discussion post (300 words minimum). Justify your explanations by including in-text citations and your references in APA format as applicable.

Part 2

We are living in a time where trade is becoming more global by the day. With the globalization of trade, conducting business on a global basis requires a good understanding of various cultures. What works in one country might not work in another…in fact, it might be interpreted as an offense. For example, the okay sign in the United States is a very offense gesture in Germany, yet in Japan it refers to money and in France to signify zero.

Finally, a pivotal role of a manager is to understand, or be aware, of cultural issues in the country you are operating out of. In this activity, you will have a chance to discuss specifically an international culture and its impact on business.

For this discussion activity, respond to the following prompts:

  • • Choose a country you are unfamiliar with, and research its specific culture.
  • • What specific business practices would you expect to find in that country, based on its culture?
  • • What expectations “culture-wise” would you have if you were to open a business in that country?
  • • Are there any specific cultural items of concern that you would report back to your organizational leadership? What are they? Please explain.

In response to your colleagues, discuss why one would benefit by studying a countries culture that a business is operating from.

Things to Remember!

  • Post a 2 to 4 paragraph discussion post (300 words minimum). Justify your explanations by including in-text citations and your references in APA format as applicable.
Answer preview

In an ideal world, ethics encompasses a person’s moral judgment about right and wrong. The choice to behave ethically while operating in international business is a moral one and benefits an individual in various ways. First of all, by acting ethically, an individual can ensure sustainable development rather than a short-term profit. This is made possible through creating awareness and concerns for the future as well as the correct course of action while dealing with challenging situations. Secondly, being ethical in international business helps one to establish a healthy and pleasant environment for all the stakeholders of the business. Lastly, being ethical gives one a competitive edge over others operating in the same market since customers are interested with the businesses that are ethical in their operations (Meyer, 2014).

In today’s world, one of the great debates…

(900 words)
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