international Business Management report


This report may come from ((The Economist, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial Times, etc.)) These reports should, among other things, include an introductionrelevance of material to International Business Management and conclusion/managerial implicationThe articles must bear obvious, and not peripheral relevance to international business.and the article should be recent. The Report must not be more than three (3) pages

please be careful my university has very strong website to check plagiarism and I have to check my report on it .

I will attached my last report with the same instruction to give you an idea about the report .

Answer preview

This report will focus on the elimination of tariffs in trading among 12 countries that constitute more than 40 percent of the world output (Brandsher& Mullany, 2018, April 13). This report comes after the US president has shown an interest for the US to rejoin TPP (Tran Pacific Partnership) on the position that the US will offer better terms than those provided to President Obama. The US constitutes the largest economy in the world which is a focus market for companies all over the world…

(710 words)

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