International Corporate Finance

International Corporate Finance

Note: The assignment should follow like this: firstly, write the Executive summary about 100 words . secondly, write the Introduction and Objectives of the report (200 words) . thirdly , body of the assignment ( task 1 ( 900 words) , task2 ( 1000 words )) .fourthly , Conclusion and learning derived ( 200 words ) .finally, Recommendations ( 200 words )

learning international corporate finance

Assignment tasks :-

Task 1 : Write an essay on derivatives while highlighting the types and its applicability to corporate finance . Use illustrations, charts, graphs, wherever applicable( 900 words )

Task 2 : Critically evaluate the case study provided in the attached (pdf) file . Give your recommendations . (1000 words)

* Guidance Notes and Format of the Assignment :- 

1- Executive summary >> your report should include an Executive summary at the front of the report (before the content page ) which summaries the main points including key recommendations .

2- Content page.

3- Introduction and Objectives of the report >> Short introduction to the report setting out the aims and Objectives of the report are, what the report will cover and why . ( 200 words ) .

4- Assignment Tasks >> you need to critically evaluate the reburied questions while identifying the issues and problems .

5- Conclusion and learning derived >> the conclusion should briefly and clearly synthesize the key points of your analysis and what you learn . (200 words )

6- References

7- Recommendations (200 words )

* The total of assignment = 2500 words

Answer Preview
Corporate finance is an essential part of the global market and one that needs a lot of care and consideration when dealing with it. There are many tools that are used to accomplish the trading process. Among them are derivatives which vary in terms of the reason for using as well as the types that are used. There is also the forex trading which needs to be done in accordance…
(2765 Words)
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