international relations and anthropology

international relations and anthropology

Two 500 initial forum posts topic international relations and anthropology with works cited. Please complete them in two separate word documents.

International relations:

The readings this week apply different theoretical perspectives to analyze the European Union as a regional IO. For example, in the articles, we read about rationalism, social constructivism, multi-level governance, enforcement and management theory, and more. In addition, the lesson notes discuss intergovernmentalism, supranationalism, and veto player theory. Which theoretical perspective(s) do you find the most persuasive and why when it comes to analyzing EU policymaking? Which is the least persuasive and why? Please incorporate specific examples to support your arguments.


Forum Question: Explain the relationship between kuru and cannibalism among the Fore. How is the kuru story a good example of anthropology’s holistic approach? Be specific.



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