Internet of Things

Internet of Things


ITEC Final Project Notes:


My topic is,

“The internet of things”


“You might want to pick something like “The
Internet of Things” since there is a lot of information, and with that
topic you could also link it with the smart watch and wearable
technology (and even home automation) since one day it will all be
connected.also I need you to do a presentation power point to submit to him beside the papers like presentation in details about the paper .


For the ITEC 423 Final project you may work alone or in a small group or with a partner. All groups / partners must be approved. Just keep in mind that you will all share the same grade no matter what.

You are given the option to work on any topic related to the theme of the course. Your project can either be an implemented project, purely research based or a combination of both. All topics must be approved.  (please email me your topic idea)

Individual Research based projects must be at least 12-15 pages in length and conform to APA citation style. Groups will have longer paper requirements which need to be approved. More implementation that is part of your project, will reduce the amount of writing (which also needs to be approved). Title pages, images, graphics, bulleted lists, references, code samples, and large citations do not count toward page length. All projects will be run through plagiarism detection software.

If you decided to build or code anything, also let me know what you are thinking about doing before you start!

All final projects must be submitted by the last day of class.

Answer Preview

The Internet of Things (IoT) has attracted a fair share of research attention. IoT has now come to be taken as a part of the Internet of the future comprising billions of intelligent communicating ‘things’ or ‘objects.’ It is this internet’s future, which will consist of heterogeneously connected devices further extending world’s borders with physical entities and virtual components. The Internet of Things (IoT) is bound to empower the embedded things with new capabilities and possibilities. In this paper, the definitions…

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