write a 2-3 page paper on “giving comfort” pull communication guidelines. Make the paper about a real life situation or episode

there is a rubric attached below.

-format has to be APA

-be familiar with the guidelines in communications about giving comfort

here are some pointers i have from class notes:


Is the extent to which messages acknowledge and validate the feelings of the distressed person

Phases of comforting

Support activation

Support provision

Target reaction

Helper response

Guidelines for giving comfort effectively

  1. Don’t rely on diversions or advice
  2. Focus on he other person, not yourself
  3. Stay neutral and seek information
  4. Buffer face threats as much as possible



In day to day activities, people are faced with different situations that cause anxiety, worries, and stress. In workplaces, such cases have adverse implications on an employee’s productivity, which may translate to a slow realization of the goals of an organization (Chen & Rybak, 2017). Such situations can be prevented by encouraging employees and giving them moral support. This is what giving comfort is all about. According to Wolters Kluwer Health (2016), giving support refers to the ability of a person to feel the distress of an affected person…

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