interview and REFLECTION

interview and REFLECTION

Former Interview

Your task is to interview a former teacher to learn about his/her particular experiences and insights. Answer the following questions. Feel free to allow the interview to proceed in a conversational format.

– What led you to become a teacher?

– What is your personal philosophy of education?

– What do you see as the most difficult societal influences affecting teachers today?

– How have politics/polices shaped education in recent years?

– What historical events have shaped education since you have been a teacher?

– Could you share some of the most positive aspects of a teaching career?

– What are some of the negative aspects of teaching?

– What advice would you give to someone considering a career in education?

– If given the choice, would you choose the same career path for yourself?

Once you have had this conversation, compose a 3-4 page written profile of this experience, where you:

– Introduce this person to the reader, including an explanation of why you chose him/her

– Share some of this teacher’s thoughts/perspectives as derived from the interview content(Format is your choice.)

– Conclude with your personal reflections of this interview experience


Answer preview

Part 1: Interview

Interviewer: What led you to become a teacher?

Interviewee: I had the desire to impact the young in my generation, and I felt the right way to do this was through teaching. I could say i was attracted to education from a young age.

Interviewer: What is your personal philosophy of education?

Interviewee: Education to me has always been an approach by which civilization can be built on. I have been insisting on the need for continuous education…


(1400 words)

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