Introduction to political economy and the environment homework

Introduction to politicaleconomy and the environmenthomework


please read both article and answer the question for 250 words

How did the ideas of Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus inform the British response to weather-induced crop declines in India?

Requirements: 250/1 pages


Answer preview

In India, rainfall plays an essential role in determining crop yields, output, and food supply. Agriculture disaster like drought affects the country’s economy. First, it affects people’s income, especially laborers, because demands for agricultural laborers and rural artisans decline. However, since independence, famine was almost eliminated in India. During the many years of British rule in India, there was no increase in India’s capital, leading to famine and mass deaths. They were relying on the Malthusian idea that famine was caused by overpopulation, which made the government not interfere with the famine issue,

325 words















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