Investment Income

Investment Income

Part 1

If a company purchases 100% of another company and the amount paid is more than the book value of the company purchased and a positive differential exists, explain the three reasons this might occur. For each of the three provided reasons, explain the process and journal entries that would be made. Provide an example of a company purchase and the result of the overpayment.

If a company purchases 100% of another company and the amount paid is less than the book value of the company purchased and a bargain purchase differential exists, explain the three reasons this might occur. For each of the three reasons, explain the process and journal entries that would be made. Provide an example of a company purchase and the result of the underpayment.

Part 2

The reporting treatment for investments in common stock depends upon the level of ownership and the ability to influence polices of the investee. This reporting treatment may even change over time as ownership levels or other factors change. When investees are not consolidated, the investments are generally reported in the investment section of the balance sheet. However, the investor’s income from those investments is not always easy to find in the investor’s income statement.

How does Chevron Corporation account for the issuance of stock by affiliates?

How does Chevron account for impairments in affiliates?

Summarize the significant accounting for the approximately 10 upstream and downstream investments and comment on the part that these investments have on the balance sheet and income statement of Chevron.

Requirements: 2 Pages

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There are various reasons why a given company may purchase another company more than its book value. To begin with, the company may have paid goodwill. Kumar & Sharma (2019) define goodwill as a non-physical asset linked with the purchase of one company by another. In specific, goodwill is recorded in the case where the cost of acquiring a company is higher than the book value of the visible and intangible assets and liabilities assumed in total. In this case, the goodwill may include brand loyalty, clientele, customer relations, excellent employee relationship, and patents or technological propriety. The company can make a journal entry for goodwill by debiting the assets at the fair value and goodwill account and crediting the liabilities at the fair value and cash account. The second reason is the market value for some assets like real estate, which have a greater market value above the book value. Lastly, a

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