IT Policy and Strategy

IT Policy and Strategy

Read the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics from the Computer Ethics Institute and view this student-created video, which gives examples of violations of computer ethics. Find an article in the news from the last three months of someone who violated one or more of the computer ethics commandments. Include a hyperlink to the article. Please describe the situation. Discuss what you would do in similar circumstances. (In some cases, such as exposing massive corruption, people may have differing opinions about the proper ethical actions.)


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According to Stubbs (2019), the hackers working closely with the Chinese intelligence illegally perpetrated through Norwegian software firm Visma with the aim of stealing from the clients. According to the cybercrime investigator, the attack was part of China global hacking a campaign launched by the China Ministry of State Security with the aiming of the corporate secret, and intellectual property. Visma decided to talk publicly to raise awareness to the companies about a hacking campaign which is known as Cloudhopper launch since 2017 and has affected several companies. In the response, Visma director commented that no client data was compromised, and the hacking…


(330 words)

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