John Maynard Keynes

John Maynard Keynes

Read an article and Identify

Read an article about Keynes. Identify his “big” ideas:

Time Magazine called John Maynard Keynes one of the top 100 scientists and thinkers of the 20th century.

Click here for the Time article (

From the article, identify two “big” ideas that Keynes had. Explain why they are important.


2 to 3 pages or depending on the requirements , 12-point fonts, 1.5 spacing and wide margins on all sides!

Language. Be precise in formulating your thoughts. Reread your paper more than once before handing in, use spell-checkers and grammar instructions. Typo’s are likely to downgrade the final assessment of the paper, you will be judged mainly about your contact and information

Answer Preview
John Keynes was born in England to a middleclass family and was able to pursue the education goals that he had. This is something that enabled him to be good in economics while he was still at a young age. He also was able to learn the many different economic theories that were present at the time he ultimately felt that something was missing from this. It was…
(78 Words)
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