Kubler Ross’ Theory of Dying

Kubler Ross’ Theory of Dying


Developmental Psychology 1004

Assignment 2 due 14th of November 2019

Read about Kubler-Ross’ theory of dying.

  1. According to Kubler-Ross theory, we go to different emotional responses when we are dying. If you were dying, which one of the stages/repsonses would you see as the most difficult stage for you to endure? Why?
  1. Reflect on Kubler-Ross’ theory, do you think all dying people go through all responses, do you think everybody follow the same pattern? Why or why not?

Scoring rubric

Your assignment accounts for maximum 25 points, the two parts of the paper will be weighed equally. The assignment should be around 500 words in length, 1” margins, double-spaced, and size 12font (Times New Roman). A printed copy must be submitted in class (no other submissions allowed – e.g. e-mail, under the door, mailbox, etc.), by the due date.  Late assignments will not be accepted one week after the deadline. Additionally, there will be a 3-point penalty assessed on all late assignments.

A (23 – 25 points) = Excellent assignment.  It’s well-written, with minimal to no spelling/grammar errors.  Nearly all of the structural rules (e.g. font, length, spacing, etc.) have been followed.  You show a clear understanding of Kubler-Ross’ 5 coping strategies by pointing out the most relevant factors. In the personal part of your assignment, you have successfully infused your own relevant thoughts.

B (20 – 22 points) = Good assignment. It’s well-written, but has some spelling/grammar errors.  Some of the structural rules (e.g. font, length, spacing, etc.) have been followed.  You show some understanding of Kubler-Ross’ 5 coping strategies by pointing out the relevant factors. In the personal part of the assignment, you have infused your own relevant thoughts.

C (17 – 19 points) = Average assignment.  The writing is average, and has spelling/grammar errors.  Some of the structural rules (e.g. font, length, spacing, etc.) have been followed.  You show little understanding of the Kubler-Ross’ 5 coping strategiesby pointing out a few relevant factors. In the personal part of the assignment, you have infused little of your own relevant thoughts.

D (14 -16 points) = Below average assignment.  The writing is below average, with numerous spelling/grammar errors.  Many of the structural rules (e.g. font, length, spacing, etc.) have not been followed.  You show very little understanding ofKubler-Ross’ 5 coping strategiesby not pointing out relevant factors. In the personal part of the assignment, you have infused very little of your own relevant thoughts.

F (0 – 13 points) = Unacceptable assignment.   The writing is unacceptable, with numerous spelling/grammar errors.  Nearly all of the structural rules (e.g. font, length, spacing, etc.) have not been followed.  You show no understanding ofKubler-Ross’ 5 coping strategiesby not pointing out relevant factors and conclusions. In the personal part of the assignment, you have not infused any of your own relevant thoughts.

Answer preview
Life is unpredictable. Circumstances like job loss, end of a relationship, loss of a loved one, or being positively diagnosed with a terminal illness may arise, causing sorrow and grief to the culprit. In a bid to help individuals suffering from terminal diseases, Kubler-Ross developed five stages of dying theory; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, as a coping mechanism the patients with terminal illness undergo (Bregman, 2017). The psychiatrist took years of observing patients with terminal diseases before…
(650 words)
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