Leadership Theories and Project Management

Leadership Theories and Project Management

CT 1 – PJM Option #1: Normative Leadership Theory and Leadership Styles

For this assignment, select a project example and summarize it. For the following five different combinations of project phases and project stakeholders, explain how a different one of the five normative leadership theory leadership styles (“decide, consult individually, consult group, facilitate, and delegate” [Lussier & Achua, 2015, p. 123]) could be applied, using a specific situation that might be encountered in the selected project:

Your paper must include the following, titled sections:

Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length, must be in APA format. have 4-5 scholarly references. title and reference page is a must, must have running header and be in 12-point times new roman font. double spaced and each paragraph indented.

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The normative leadership approach for decision making was created by a scholar known as Victor Vroom. He established five kinds of decision making procedures which differ individually on the level of engagement by the leader (Lussier and Achua, 2015). This comprises…

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