Leading Change

Leading Change

No plagiarize, spell check, and check your grammar – 300 words

Individuals can serve as leaders without officially holding a leadership title. Share an example of a time when you inspired change among your peers or within your organization. Were you in a formal leadership position, or did you simply apply leadership skills to influence others? Review the required articles on leading change for the week [e.g., Anderson & Anderson (2009); Carter & Carmichael (2009)] and compare your actions to the best practices shared within the readings. Then, discuss whether or not you would act differently, if faced with a similar situation, based on your understanding of these best practices


Anderson, L. & Anderson, D. (2009, November). Leading change. Leadership Excellence Essentials, 26(11), 3-4. (ProQuest Document ID: 1906542651)

Carter, L. & Carmichael, P. (2009, November). Best practices. Leadership Excellence Essentials, 26(11), 16-17. (ProQuest Document ID: 1906542781)

Yukl, G. (2013). Leadership in organizations (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hal


Answer preview

In my final year in college, I was a student leader of a community service organization that focused on working together to promote sustainable practices and lifestyle in the community. The primary organization’s role was to ensure the health safety of community members by living in a clean environment (Anderson, and Anderson, 2009). The organization had monthly education programs in the community on the need to live in a clean environment, but the education programs had little influence on cleaning the community. I influenced my peers to act and participate in the…


(400 words)

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