Les Miserables Movie theological themes

Les Miserables Movie theological themes

8 pages doubles spaced

Do not summarize the movie or explain the plot

Discuss 3-5 theological themes present in the film. Present your argument for how those themes are a part of the movie’s narrative and explain what they communicate. The last two pages of the essay should be a summary/articulation of what the movie says about God and the human person, as well as how you would explain the theology communicated by the movie.

I may have a link to the movie and can help choose the Theological themes to discuss

I may be able to extend the time limit too

Answer preview
Les Miserables is a film that depicts many theological themes. The theme of forgiveness is evident right from the beginning when the major character, Valjean, is forgiven by the Catholic priest after stealing silver. He extends the same in his later life when he forgives his enemy who severally plots to kill him. In addition, the human sinful nature theme is addressed in the film as various characters act out of malice…
(2500 words)
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