Lesson Justification

Lesson Justification

For this week’s assignment, you will be crafting a justification for the inclusion of informational writing into a lesson that you already use with your students in your classroom. Think about the videos you’ve watched or even articles you’ve read concerning informational writing. Then, write up a lesson plan justification (it will most likely only be 1 page long) talking about why you think this particular lesson lends itself well, or would benefit from, the inclusion of informational writing. Must include at least 3 of the required video/readings below:


Kindergarten Information Writing

Second Grade Information Writing (Forces and Motion)

Whole Class Instruction in Opinion Writing: Teaching for Transfer as Students Move Between Persuasive Speeches and Petitions 3-5 (Open Transcript)

Ms. Noonan: Making Students into Better Writers (Open Transcript)

Using a Learning Progression to Help Students Work Towards Clear Goals as they Lift the Level of their Information Writing (K-2)

Accessibility Alternative for Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Visually Impaired:

Lifting Writing Achievement with ALL Students
This article offers a series of quotes and graphics about informational writing.


Writing to Learn Strategies

Writing is not just something done in language arts. It is also a teaching method. Consider this as you read the article.

Content Literacy Takes Its Place – Front and Center
As you read this article, truly think about how incredibly important it is to teach literacy and reading in all subjects.

Answer Preview

In class, the observation that I made was to see how the strategies that were implemented are helping the children to comprehend more easily. In this case, it indicated that for one to have the successful language they not only are they required to know the construction and arrangements of the language but also to comprehended its purposes and obligation on the various communicative settings and how it serves to the languages…

(413 Words)

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