Little Sheep Chain Company

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Case Study 1: 3i Group’s Private Equity Investment in China’s Little Sheep

Due Week 3 and worth 120 points

Read the case study titled, “Integrative Case 1: 3i Group’s Private Equity Investment in China’s Little Sheep,” located on page 391 of your textbook.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

  1. Assess the level of intensity of the major competitive forces affecting the Chinese restaurant industry using the five (5) forces framework. Speculate on the profit potential within the industry.
  2. Conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis for Little Sheep Catering Chain Co in which you examine at least three (3) strengths, three (3) weaknesses, three (3) opportunities, and three (3) threats. Recommend two (2) actions that Little Sheep Catering Chain Co. should take based on your SWOT analysis. Note: The SWOT analysis table does not count toward the final page length. Please include the SWOT analysis table in the appendix. Use Microsoft Word, or equivalent software, to create the SWOT analysis table.
  3. Using the VRIO (value, rarity, imitability, organization) framework, analyze the primary resources and capabilities that will enable Little Sheep Catering Chain Co. to generate a sustainable competitive advantage.
  4. Compare and contrast the fundamental benefits that Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and 3i offered Little Sheep in order to support its growth strategy. Agree or disagree with Little Sheep Catering Chain Co. awarding 3i the contract. Justify your response.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Examine competitive dynamics at the industry level in order to formulate effective global strategies.
  • Analyze internal capabilities of a firm in order to formulate effective global strategies.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in global strategy.
  • Write clearly and concisely about global strategy using proper writing mechanics.

Answer preview

The little sheep company will have an added advantage in competition because of value, it requires little capital to start and maintain. For example, it does not require chef because the customers cook the mutton for themselves in the hotpot. The chef would have brought a lot of liabilities to the company which turns out to be a great advantage. On rarity, another advantage is that the recipe and ingredients of the food are invented by the owner. He had tried many recipes and ingredient but he settled on this specific one. It can only be found on their premises. On imitability, the company can protect itself by obtaining a trademark and whenever on the company tries to imitate it, they can always use legal procedures. On organization, the company can train its management, partner with experts and obtain capital from financiers with added benefits such as technical assistance (Morschett, Schramm-Klein, & Zentes, 2015).

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Little Sheep Chain Company
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