

i need help with writing

Newspaper Article from news website

From any newspaper or news magazine (such as Time, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report) choose an article that deals with a microeconomic topic in depth. The following must be covered in your assignment:

1. Write a summary of the article. If the article you have chosen is too short for a 3-page summary, choose another article! (Most newspaper articles will be too short.) Your summary should also answer the following questions –

  •  How does this article relate to material covered in class?
  •  Does the author’s point of view agree or disagree with the class material?
  •  Does the article make sense? (Sometimes they don’t!) 2. Includeaseparatelistingofallmicroeconomictermsusedinthearticlealongwith definitions for each. There should be at least 3 microeconomic terms defined. If your article does not have 3 microeconomic terms, choose another article! 3. Attach a copy of the article to your written work. Your written work must be:
  •  typed in black ink
  •  double-spaced
  •  no larger than 12-point font size
  •  margins may be no larger than 1” on all sides
  •  use a spell check
  •  use good grammar Your written work will be graded on economic content and on the use of the English language. Points will be deducted if there is poor grammar, spelling, or other instructions are not followed. Work not typed will not be graded.

Answer Preview

Microeconomics is explained as the study of the way corporations as well as customers behave in the market and the way the government attempts to deal with the elements that facilitate to the inappropriate decisions in the market (Baumol & Blinder, 2015).  Therefore, microeconomics has been used to elaborate on the causes…

(1132 Words)

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