Managed Care

Managed Care

In what way does managed care actually manage cost? Does it do so without diminishing the quality of care? If so, how does it accomplish this?

Textbook Readings

Read the following topics in Health Policy and Politics: A Nurse’s Guide:

6th (2017)
Jones & Bartlett 9781284126372

Read the following topics in Policy and Politics: For Nurses and Other Health Professionals:

Feeg, Veronica, Nickitas, Donna and Middaugh, Donna Jones & Bartlett


  • “Medicare: From Protector to Innovator”
  • “Medicaid and the Financing of Care for Vulnerable Populations”

APA, one page length

Answer preview
Organizing health care providers for the purpose of controlling the costs of health care while also managing the quality of care provided is basically what managed care involves. In managed care, accountability, quality measurement, and controls are imposed to organizations that provides health care to meet the purchaser’s goals for quality of care, access to care, cost of care, and effectiveness of care. Managed care has proved to meet the goals of managing cost without decreasing or lessening the…
(400 words)
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