Managing a High-Performance Team

Managing a High-Performance Team

While surfing the Internet, you encounter this note posted in your favorite discussion group: “Help! I have just been assigned to head a new product design team at my company. The division manager has high expectations for the team and me, but I have been a technical design engineer for four years since graduating from college. I have never ‘managed’ anyone, let alone led a team. The manager keeps talking about her confidence that I will create a ‘high-performance team.’ Does anyone out there have any tips to help me master this challenge? Help! [signed] Galahad.” As a good citizen of the Internet, you decide to answer. What message will you send out? Use and cite the course textbook in your initial post

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High performing teams are essential to meet set objectives and achieve desired outcomes. Setting a clear challenging team direction as the first step is critical to have the right momentum in achieving desired results (Osborn, 2015). A clear direction allows the proper allocation of resources and also helps in correct utilization, thus minimizing resource wastage. A challenging environment offers an opportunity for innovativeness to have more appealing results. Therefore, to create a high-performance team, a clear vision and mission in a challenging environment are crucial.   As a manager, applying and utilizing the concept of collective intelligence to increase the ability to do well in a variety of tasks is another tip to create a high-performance team. This means for a team’s success…

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