What are the pros and cons of the teams being so autonomous?
Is Disney’s team approach most suited to creative projects, or would it work equally well in other kinds of industries?
Importantly, apply as many of the COs (Course Objectives) as you can to the case. These are given for reference below.
Your Case should be 2 1/2 – 3 pages (approximately 600 – 750 words), double spaced, have at least three references using APA format (you may use one or two references cited from the case but you should have at least one additional unique reference from your own research) , and typed in an easy-to-read font (Times New Roman 12 font recommended) in MS Word (no pdfs or rtfs or non standard formats). Please include a cover sheet with your full name, the case name, our course number (NETW583), and the date you submit.
Answer preview
creatively contributing their ideas. The success of the creative industry is dependent on the collaboration of team members. Small and autonomous teams are essential in the creative industry as team members collaborate without being restricted by organizational policies. With advanced technologies being used in the creative industry, collaboration is vital to incorporating different ideas into meaningful content that all viewers can relate to. The approach can work in the creative industry where teamwork is crucial, but in industries where collaboration is unnecessary, the method will not work.