Market a shopkick from the U.S. to India

Market a shopkick from the U.S. to India

This is a group project, we choose the shopkick, which is not currently found in India. So, we have do a culture analysis of India and marketing plan to promote this app to India. You have to do:

a). brief discussion of the country’s relevant history.

d) Legal System

i)Organization of the judiciary system

ii) Code, common, socialist, or Islamic-law country?

iii) Participation in patents, trademarks and other conventions

e) Organizations

i)Group behavior ii) Social classes

iii) Clubs, other organizations

iv) Race, ethnicity and subcultures

Finish the yellow part in the file, each part needs one paragraph, total need 3 pages.

The economic, social and culture of India are as a result of regional expansion. The Indian history has two phases, the pre-Vedic and Vedic and Hinduism started in the era of Vedic. In the eighth century, Islam came to India, and it had established itself in India as a political force by the eleventh century, and in the 17th century Europeans…
(874 Words)
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