Marketing for Del’s Lemonade

Marketing for Del’s Lemonade

marketing homework 2

As we reviewed in class with white board exercises, you will write 4 draft SMART Objectives and summarize a social media audit of the business/company of your choice. Students usually find it helpful to conduct the audit first, and then go back and develop their SMART objectives and strategies.

Using the SMART objectives examples I posted and reviewed in Week 1-2,, write an objective for each of the four types noted below AND map out a few strategies that will achieve those objectives:


Engagement Objective (related to how followers interact with your content, with sharing, liking, commenting, viewing, retweeting, etc.) 

  1. Engagement Objectives for Dell’s Lemonade (SMART method)
    1. Increase followers by 10% across all social media channels
    2. Respond to comments as quickly as possible
    3. Thank new customers for following us Just only write one page
Answer preview

Marketing Objectives for Del’s Lemonade

  • My objectives include increasing the number of followers on tweeter by 15,000 in three months.
  • Increase the brand awareness among the population by 12% in regions where the product is available.

Communication Objectives for Del’s Lemonade

  • For the communication, the goal is to get a better understanding from the customers of their most preferred tastes and factors that they love most.
  • It is also the goal of those involved to increase the information that is passed over to consumers about the products to make them more informed.
  • Contact information from the customers should be collected to have continued contact and communication with the customers…

(350 words)

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