Mitigating the Effects of Bullying
Tactics used to mitigate the effects of bullying
Argumentative Essay Rough Draft
[WLO: 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Link to Video TranscriptWeek 3 – Assignment Resources
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- Model Paper (Links to an external site.)
- Assignment Template
- Essay Structure (Links to an external site.)
- APA Guide (Links to an external site.)
- Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)
Last week, you outlined your argumentative essay. This week, you must use your instructor’s feedback and information from the course materials to turn your outline into an essay draft. Weekly instructor guidance and Chapters 1, 2, and 3 in the course text, College Writing Handbook, will walk you through the process.
The Week 3 assignment is the first draft of your academic argument. In this assignment, you will show that you are making progress in all course learning outcomes:
- Interpret information through close and critical reading.
- Demonstrate effective use of the writing process.
- Employ effective academic tone, style, mechanics, and citation method.
- Integrate relevant source material effectively and ethically.
- Support a position appropriate to the rhetorical situation.
You will submit a 4- to 5-page (1,000 to 1,250 words) rough-draft essay that is formatted in proper APA style. This rough draft assignment must integrate prior feedback and show improvement from your prior coursework. The rough draft will be evaluated differently than a final draft essay, so pay close attention to the grading rubrics and requirements.
Your argument should be sound, valid, and based upon evidence from at least 5 credible sources. At least 3 of your sources must be scholarly. You may integrate additional information, since your final draft requires additional research. Information and evidence must be integrated appropriately, cited in APA-style, and used with integrity. Remember to draft your essay for an academic audience.
If you have any questions about the requirements of this assignment, please contact your instructor right away. Your assignment may lose its formatting when it is converted in the Waypoint grading system. To preserve formatting, please submit your assignment as a PDF file.
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Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
What tactics might educators and parents use to mitigate the effects of bullying on youth in schools: Outline
What tactics might educators and parents use to mitigate the effects of bullying on youth in schools: Outline
Research Question:
- I believe that there are tactics that can be used to mitigate the effects of bullying
- It is shown that most bullying take place while children are attending school. It’s teachers and parent’s responsibility to come up with effective ways to mitigate the effects of bullying. At the age of 9 to 11 years children are increasingly likely to be involved in bullying behavior as they place more and more value on the peer group (Nelson 2019).
- Bullying can never be completely stopped; however, I believe that there are tactics that can be used to mitigate the effects of bullying. Creating a safe school climate for all students by teaching students how to respond to being bullied.
- The effects of bullying on children.
- Bullying can lead to psychological issues such as low self- esteem. It can cause loneliness and can in time effect the child into adult hood.
- Bullying can cause a child to become the bullied and cause a vicious cycle.
- The psychological effects from bullying
- If can cause a child to want to take his or her own life
- There are new studies being done to find better ways to help mitigate the effects of bullying. They are putting bully’s through training on empathy and how to handle aggression.
- Bullying can lead to psychological issues such as low self- esteem. It can cause loneliness and can in time effect the child into adult hood.
- In the school systems the teachers are now finding ways to deal with bullying
- The communities taking action to stop bullying.
- The communities can put together functions to bring awareness about the growing issue to teach kids how to overcome being bullied.
- Victims and their families.
- The victim’s family must deal with not having the loveable family member due to the pain he or she is dealing with.
- Bullying awareness and taking active roles.
- Stepping up starts with each and everyone of us to ensure the safety of our children.
- Regarding cyberbullying, several national and international initiatives have been launched over the past few years to increase children’s online safety (Van 2018)
Nelson, Helen J.; Burns, Sharyn K.; Kendall, Garth E.; Schonert-Reichl, Kimberly A. PLoS ONE. 3/8/2019, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p1-15. 15p. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211124. Database: Academic Search Complete
Van Hee, Cynthia; Jacobs, Gilles; Emmery, Chris; Desmet, Bart; Lefever, Els; Verhoeven, Ben; De Pauw, Guy; Daelemans, Walter; Hoste, Véronique. PLoS ONE. 10/8/2018, Vol. 13 Issue 10, p1-22. 22p. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203794. , Database: Academic Search Complete
Rose, India D.; Sheremenko, Ganna; Rasberry, Catherine N.; Lesesne, Catherine A.; Adkins, Susan N. Hocevar; Journal of School Nursing, Aug2018; 34(4): 301-309. 9p. (Article) ISSN: 1059-8405.
Borkar, Vasant Namdeo. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing. 2016, Vol. 7 Issue 8, p861-862. 2p. , Database: Academic Search Complete
Mulvey, Kelly Lynn; Hoffman, Adam J.; Gönültaş, Seçil; Hope, Elan C.; Cooper, Shauna M.; Psychology of Violence, Vol 8(6), Nov, 2018 Special Issue: Hate and Violence: Addressing Discrimination Based on Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity. pp. 702-711. Publisher: Educational Publishing Foundation; [Journal Article], Database: PsycARTICLES
Answer preview
Bullying is a negative, violent behavior that is practiced among both adults and children. Bullying among children is a concern for many stakeholders in the community because of the adverse effects it has on the victims. The aggressive behavior can make victims lack self-esteem because it makes them doubt their abilities and strengths. Without the appropriate interventions, bullying can become a lifelong habit for the bully. According to Mucherah, Finch, White & Thomas (2018) children who bully in school become managers who bully their employees. As such, stakeholders need to act when they uncover the incidences of bullying among children. Each stakeholder has a unique role to play in ensuring that children are empathetic towards their peers. The actions and decisions of different stakeholders in the community are vital in mitigating bullying and raising empathetic children in society.
Useful Strategies for Parents in Mitigating te Effects of Bullying
Parents should educate their children on what to do when they are bullied or witness someone being bullied. Bullying is often unpredictable for the victim (Volk, Farrell, Franklin, Mularczyk & Provenzano, 2016). They usually do not know where it will occur or who will victimize them. Parents should take up the role…
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